Listen, children, to a story that was written long ago; about a society that abhorred the very industry that kept it going, kept it alive, and kept it happy. This is a story about how one industry, vital to the very existence of society, is downgraded, harassed, and persecuted on every level. I don't believe for one second that anyone will pay this story any heed, at all. It's a story that has been told over and over and over again yet never has it made a bit of difference. Let us begin.
Once upon a time there was humanity that took care of itself. People would grow their own food, protect themselves, provide all that was needed for their survival. Then, humanity grew more and more abundant, and their survival depended on others to help out. People needed what others had grown, made, and produced. At first, it was a simple task to transport those needed supplies. All one had to do was take the buckboard or buggy to the neighbor or into the nearby town and procure what was needed for the next month, three months, six months, etc.
Times changed. More and more people were living in towns, dependent upon the rural areas to supply their needs. In some cases, supplies needed to be transported long distances. Before the invention of the motor vehicle, transporting goods long distance was done by train then by wagon, then by buckboard/buggy. It was still a simple time.
As time progressed, the towns grew and, instead of hundreds depending on goods that were transported, it was thousands, then millions. Transporting goods was becoming more and more difficult. The gasoline engine was invented. Small trucks were created to transport goods. But populations grew and the trucks needed to be larger and larger. Trains still transported from far away towns to the more distant locations but, once they arrived, the goods needed to go further where trains couldn't.
Fast forward to today. The trucking industry is the lifeline of humanity. Anywhere on Earth it takes a truck to transport goods from ports, rail hubs, suppliers, and warehouses to the retail outlets. You know, the places that you go to shop and get the things that you need such as food and the things you desperately want like that new iPhone 6000.
Without the transportation industry, trucks in particular, you would be hungry, homeless, and naked. Period. Exclamation Point! End of that. How, you ask? Well, you poor ned, let me explain.
For you to be able to buy that cute little sundress or that most sought-after new iPhone, it takes a truck to deliver it to that high dollar shop you frequent. What 'high dollar shop?' The one that you have to go to because you don't want to be caught in a Walmart or Dollar General. Anyway, for you to be able to buy ANYTHING, it has to be transported, BY TRUCK, to the rear of that fancy retail establishment. It comes to the rear because gods forbid that any self-respecting customer should see a filthy semi-tractor/trailer delivering those goods.
Let's start at the beginning with that sundress. The cotton it is made from is actually grown on a farm. For the farmer to grow it, he needs seeds. Those are delivered by truck to him. After the cotton is grown, it's transported to the gin BY TRUCK. Once that cotton has been turned into thread and then into cloth, the bolts of cloth are transported BY TRUCK to the manufacturer of that cute little sundress. Once the cloth has been turned into something worth buying, it is transported, once again, BY TRUCK to the supplier. The supplier then transports it, again, BY TRUCK, to the warehouse where it is held until a retailer needs it and then, again, BY TRUCK, it is transported to the retailer where you can spend your parent's money on the cute little sundress. After all, it didn't magically appear at Macy's or Nordstrom's or even Walmart.
The same for food. It is actually GROWN and produced by farmers around the world. Yes, my little vegan ned, around the world. It is transported from foreign countries to ports on our coast or warehouses on our borders where it is loaded on either trains or trucks to be shipped across this great nation to a retailer near you. Trains can only take it so far. It would be extremely difficult to have a train pull up to the local Albertson's, Fred Meyer's, SafeWay, etc. to unload a few pallets of the necessities of life such as meat, vegetables, canned goods, vegan/organic goods, or your gourmet coffee/tea. It is brought to you by TRUCK.
All this has been for a reason. After thirty-five plus years of driving a truck, I have come to realize that non-truck people have no idea where they get their needs and wants. Why? Because daily, multiple times daily, I have been cut off, slowed down, told I was number one, stopped by traffic, harassed by drivers of personal vehicles, etc. I know, those nasty, big, slow, dangerous trucks should be banned and need to be slowed down and shown just where they stand in the food chain.
Little snowflake, let me tell you just what I have to deal with on a daily basis.
I am one of the most regulated, safety controlled, watched individuals on the road. I can only drive so many hours a day, so many miles a day; can only drive so fast, have to take mandatory breaks, have to have ten hours off after a fourteen day of working, prove what I am doing by filling out a log book recording everything I do, I am tacked by the DOT, I am subject to random drug tests, am told where to go (literally) and when to be there, etc.
If I get into an accident, instant drug test to see if I've been doing anything illegal. And said accident is always my fault because I am a truck and personal vehicles are always right. By the way, according to the federal DOT, in 2020 of all accidents that involved trucks, only 30% were the truck's fault. Think about this a second. You drive what, 10,000 to 12,000 miles a year? I drive 120,000 to 150,000 miles a year. With that on your mind, think about why more accidents are caused by personal vehicles than trucks. I know why. YOU CAN'T DRIVE.
Don't think that I'm dissing just on 4-wheelers. There are a LOT of so-called professional truck drivers that shouldn't be allowed to operate a bicycle much less an 80,000-pound, million-dollar piece of equipment. Common sense is not a flower that grows in very many gardens anymore. As for common, everyday courtesy? Well, that is even less prevalent. Everyone seems to be thinking, “I am the most important vehicle on the road. I am to be first no matter what. Oh, look! There's a space that is almost big enough for my car to fit in so I can get ten feet further ahead. I'm gonna take it regardless of anything or anyone. Screw that truck! I'm not gonna let it get past me or change lanes. I AM THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON ON THE ROAD!”
I see it every single day. Don't you people realize that it's YOUR DRIVING that is causing traffic backups? When you are in the far-left lane (commonly known as the hammer lane) and you know your exit is coming up; DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU'RE ALMOST PAST IT TO TAKE IT! You know where you're going and how to get there. Yet, you cut across 2, 3, 4, or more lanes because the exit you want is almost behind you. And God forbid you wait until the next exit and move over to the exit lane gradually not endangering other traffic.
It's the same when 4-wheelers come onto the interstate. It's balls to the wall from the ramp into the hammer lane regardless of who is there in your way. Either that or, it's take it real slow until you get into traffic and then take your time to get up to speed. Neither way is correct or safe. It causes backups at best and fatality accidents at worst.
Once again, think about it: 70% of all accidents involving trucks are NOT the truck's fault. That means that, statistically speaking, trucks are much safer than cars/pickups/vans/motorcycles. Yet, 99% of the time when in an accident, that professional driver loses everything. He/she is drug tested and will probably lose their job. On top of that, it will be extremely difficult to get another job that pays as well or with a major carrier that has the benefits that he/she had. ALL BECAUSE YOU, THE 4-WHEELER, CANNOT DRIVE SAFELY AND COURTEOUSLY.
I hate to say this, not really, but it is my experience that 75% of 4-wheelers that interfere with interstate commerce (in other words; screw with trucks by slowing them down, cutting them off, not letting them change lanes, etc.) are... wait for it... can you guess? Women. Men can be as bad but, what I see is the majority of these people that just can't seem to get it through their heads that a truck is bigger, longer, heavier, and can screw your day up dangerous to them, is women. Ladies, get your head out of your phone, your makeup, your daydream, or whatever it is that is going through your head and PAY ATTENTION to the big thing that can kill you.
People don't seem to understand that getting hit by a commercial vehicle can, and probably will, kill them in an accident. If you think that a carrier's insurance will pay big bucks in the case of an accident, they just might, but it won't be to YOU. It will be to your estate, your spouse, your kids. You will be dead. What is more important? Your life or free money that you won't see? I'll take my life over money any day. You should, too.
It takes trucks to transport the goods that you demand. It is just a matter of fact, 4-wheeler. Without trucks the country stops. Grocery shelves are empty, gas stations are without fuel, etc. The Eisenhower Interstate System was developed so that the military and interstate commerce would be able to move easily and efficiently across the nation. Over the years it has been taken over by cars, pickups, motorhomes, motorcycles, vans, etc. and the trucks are kept ever more restricted and slower. It doesn't pay a politician to cater to anyone other than his/her constituents when it comes to this. But remember: AMERICA MOVES BY TRUCK.
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