They say that one voice can change history. Donald Trump was one voice that did. It took 57 signers of the Declaration of Independence to change the course of the Colonies and to form a new nation. It has taken the mainstream media, social media, hundreds of celebrities, most of Congress, a former President, and decades of indoctrination to reverse the course of our freedoms back into the tyranny our Founding Fathers fought against.
In November of 2020 there were five highly contested state election polls. Ballots showed up in the middle of night, opposing party members were not allowed close oversight of ballot counting, and voting machines that were not allowed to be examined. When a handful of Congressmen wanted to investigate that election, they were beat down and ridiculed. If anyone questioned that election, they were called 'election deniers,' told they were destroying our 'democracy,' and then labeled domestic terrorists.
During the campaign season, affectionately referred to as The Summer of Love, BLM and Antifa engaged in rioting, looting, arson, and assault. They firebombed the Federal Courthouse in Portland, Oregon for three months. The people involved were not arrested. If they were, they had people at the highest levels of government helping them to regain their freedom. While thousands of innocent business owners lost everything, these terrorists gained.
On January 6, 2021, while Congress was in session to certify the votes of the election, Donald Trump held a rally a mile away from the Capitol Complex. He spoke about the freedom to peacefully protest. He called for then Vice President Mike Pence to not certify the results and said that the people had the right to question the election and march on the Capitol. Several thousand did.
The problem about that march wasn't that Donald Trump called for a peaceful protest. It was that prior to his call to march, others had already arrived to wreak havoc, breach the House Chambers and engage in vandalism. Capitol police and guards allowed these people into the building and some were even escorted around. Once Trump was done talking, all hell broke loose.
The Democrats are calling this an armed, violent insurrection. No one protesting, either inside or outside, the building were armed. No weapons were found anywhere belonging to any protester. The only people harmed were one guard that had a heart attack and one Airman that was shot, and killed, by a guard.
Donald Trump had asked that National Guard be called to enforce the law. Nancy Pelosi refused to call them and she was the only one that could. No one knows why she refused and no one will ask her. The chaos created within the hallowed halls of Congress were not committed by MAGA people. The government had been warned days before that there could be problems. Nothing was done to keep anything from happening.
Today, there are still over 500 patriotic Americans sitting in Washington, DC jails without being charged with a crime, access to legal counsel, and refused bail. Why? Because they are MAGA. While BLM and Antifa rioters remain free, peaceful protesters are incarcerated for no reason.
Was this all planned by the Democrat Party? They had done everything they could to get rid of Donald Trump. The day that he announced his candidacy they started screaming impeachment. They investigated him his entire tenure. They are still investigating him. They don't want him to be allowed to run again and they sure don't want him in the White House.
What is it about Donald Trump the Democrats don't like? My opinion is this: Donald J Trump stands for America, American values, American freedoms, American citizens, energy independence, a secure border, fair trade deals, and everyone pay their fair share around the world. Most of all, he stands for a government that is not corrupt. That, my friends, is why the Democrats, and a lot of Republicans, don't like him, don't want him around, and sure don't want him back in the White House. He exposed their corruption and deceit. That will not do.
So, if it's Donald Trump they don't like, why is it they are going after American citizens full force? It isn't all American citizens, it's only the ones that believe in the Constitution, our rights and freedoms, secure borders, energy independence, and getting rid of the corruption of Congress. Donald Trump is just the man that incited this patriotism.
Trump supporters don't necessarily like the man. I don't. To me, he is a petulant, egotistical, self-centered child. He always wants his way and he demands that people bend to his wishes and give him unfaltering loyalty. Are those good qualities for a President? Not really. Did it work for America? Yes it did. Trump supporters don't support Trump, himself. They support his policies of American freedoms, American jobs, a secure border against the illegal invasion now occurring, fair trade deals with foreign nations, an end to the endless wars, jobs for all American citizens, and end to the race baiting, morals and values, but most of all, AMERICA FIRST.
Those fifty-seven men that signed the Declaration risked everything. The pledged everything. If the Colonies had lost the War of Independence, they would have been tried for treason against the Crown and hung. Most didn't survive the war. Those that did lost a lot because of it. That was what they signed onto. That was what they believed in. That is what they fought for. This is what we gained. A new nation, conceived in liberty. Liberty not just for a few but for all.
It took decades to get that liberty for some. It took another war to gain freedom from slavery. It took protests and marches to gain the right to vote for women. It took riots, protests, and marches to put into law civil rights. Our history is not pretty. Then again, history, in and of itself, is not pretty. Chaos, strife, hardships, slavery, death and destruction have been a part of every nation throughout the entirety of history. Not just here in America. Rome conquered most of the known world thousands of years ago through war and invasion. The Norse, the Celts, the English, the Greeks, Romans, Africans, Ottomans, etc. all gained through war and invasion. History is not pretty.
The Democrats, and a lot of Republicans would like rewrite our history and make it out that America is bad and needs to pay for its sins. Reparations to blacks for slavery is one way that America needs to pay. I'm sorry. I have never owned a slave and I don't believe that any black person alive today ever was indentured. The first slave owner in America was black. The tribes of Africa sold slave traders a lot of the people that came here. Hate to say it but, there were Irish slaves, Chinese slaves, white slaves, child slaves, etc. The slave trade did not discriminate. The far-left don't tell you that.
Now that we have a far-left radical in the White House, even though he is a mentally challenged geriatric, all of what Trump accomplished has been wiped out and anti-American policy is the word of the day. Corruption reigns supreme. Socialism, which is the first stage of Communism, is being pushed through Congress daily.
The worst part of all this? With the corruption and fraud that got Biden installed as President in 2020 has overlapped to the mid-term election of 2022. They got by with it once and they will continue with it. Our nation is lost and that one voice isn't making much of a difference anymore.
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