For those of you who know me, you know that I try to research what I rant about. At least enough to have a working knowledge. There is a myriad of ways to do research. One is to go online and use Google, which is a liberal owned search engine. There is Bing, also liberal owned. There is going to Wikipedia, which no self-respecting researcher would ever use for facts. When I went to college, I used just about any source that ended in .edu. Those, unfortunately, are also biased toward the left.
Those are the online ways. What about a library? Yes, excellent sources for hard copy research sources, if you want to go through reams of pages of outdated encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other research material. I don't normally want to spend that much time on things unless it is researching history of some sort. The library does have something that I use a lot of, though. Books. I have an extensive library of my own that contains such rubbish as: The Constitution of the United States and the Amendments, The Federalist Papers, The Anti-Federalist Papers, The Federalist Farmer, Madison's notes on the Continental debates, and other such rot.
There is also things such as mass media news sources. You know, the liberal sources such as CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, FoxNews, OAN, NewsMax, etc. All of which have their own bias. Along with these there are the (shudder, shudder) talk show hosts like Mark Levin, Andrew Wilkow, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, etc. These, too, have their own bias, albeit more trustworthy than Chris Cuomo, Jimmy Kimmel, Jake Tapper, etc. I have quoted some of these when I believed them to be spot on.
Lastly, there are people that I talk to that seem to know what's happening. People like immigrants that came from Ukraine, El Salvador, Cuba, Mexico, Korea, Germany, Israel, Palestine, etc. (Yes, I have spoken directly with people from each of these countries.) The ones that make the most sense are those that have lived through what we only hear about from our 'news' sources, and, at times, they tell a much different story than what we hear.
There are also those people that have researched on their own. I know quite a few that if they say it, I believe it without question. Others, I do a little looking on my own. You always have to take hear-say with a little salt. So far, I haven't been steered too far from the truth.
Then, there are the (shudder, shudder) conspiracy theorist types. I know, I am one of those, right? If you look at my record, more than 90% of my 'conspiracy theories' have been proven to be truth. So, I do listen to each one of these people to have an idea of what others are thinking. Right now, no one is thinking good things. About anything. The economy is going to go into a deep, deep recession or even a depression that rivals 1929. Is this this actually theory after all that our fearful leader, the mentally challenged geriatric in the White House, has done over the last 18 to 20 months? I can see it. I've been told that one of the biggest investors that will tell you to always buy is now selling off his stocks. Doesn't sound good.
The theory that intrigues me the most, though, is this: the super-volcano that we know and love, Yellowstone, is going to erupt. Not sometime but soon. How soon? How about December 25, 2022, at 7:08 (I would guess AM because most of the world uses a 24-hour clock). Why does he think this? Life, at its core, is math. Everything comes down to numbers. Numerology has been used for centuries for everything. Math is used in everything from cyphers to molecules to DNA.
What does this have to do with Yellowstone blowing up half the United States and covering over half the world in ash? Numbers. I've listened to this man spout off his theories over the last seven and half years and he hasn't been too far off on most of what he has told me. I don't know how it works. I haven't studied numerology at all. I've always put it down with things like the horrorscope and Ouija board or Tarot cards. (Although, I have dabbled in Runes and have been remarkably accurate on a lot of things.)
To go further into his prophecy. Yellowstone has had some major natural crises the last year or so. This is leading up to a sudden, and unexpected, eruption of the largest volcano on Earth. What happens then? Since it will happen after the election but before the new Congress takes power, the radicals in charge will declare a national emergency, which it most definitely will be. In doing this, they will suspend the Constitution and martial law will take over, the new Congress will not be convened, and the mentally challenged geriatric will be taken out of office due to his ineptitude. That will leave Kameltoe, the Hoe, in charge. We all know she doesn't have the sense of a rock so she will be replaced. Is Nancy up to it? That drunken has-been will be taken out somehow. Who does that leave? Care to take a guess?
How about our old friend, the Great Pretender, himself: Barack Hussein Obama. We all have an idea that he's actually the one running the show, anyway. He'll come back to make things right. And America will welcome him with open arms just as they did when he ran the first time. It doesn't matter that he's a fake, a charlatan, an impostor. He has charm, charisma, power, and, of course, he's multi-racial. People will say he's black but having only one parent that is black doesn't make you that. Don't forget, his mother what whiter than the new fallen snow. Numerology says that Barry is the Anti-Christ. That he will rise up out of nowhere and become the false messiah and lead the world into the Apocalypse.
Because of the ash in the air, the sun won't be able to warm the Earth. Food will become scarce. Then, again, is that any surprise? After all, we have a food shortage now because of the Biden Anti-American policies enacted. America will become a battleground. We will be invaded by our enemies with little resistance from our weakened military. UN forces will become a common sight. Resistance fighters will do what they can but, hunting rifles, carbines with limited mags, small arms, etc. will be no match for UN, Russian, Chinese, North Korean, and Middle Eastern arms and maintenance. America will fall into chaos then into oblivion. The New World Order will take over. The end.
Sounds pretty far-fetched, doesn't it? Or does it? This is exactly what the far-left radicals want. They don't want a free America. They want an enslaved, impoverished, beaten down, taken-down-a-notch-or-three America. We will suffer more than ever before for the sins of our fathers if the left has anything to do about it. They don't realize that they, too, are guilty, if not more so. They, too, will suffer. They may even be the first to be gotten rid of by the invaders. Traitors are not well thought of in any regime. If a person is willing to sell out their country of birth, their brothers and sisters, what will keep them from betraying the enemies of that country? Once a person is known as to betray, they are never trusted by anyone with any sense.
So, it's up to you, my dear readers, to believe it not. I am not saying that the above scenario is what will come to be, only giving one person's thoughts on what they believe may happen. Nothing is written in stone. Well, the Ten Commandments were but we all know what the left did with that. History is done and cannot be changed but the future is what we make it. Will it be a bright and sunny day, or will all hell break loose and a dystopian world the likes of which no fiction writer could even imagine come into play?
We are Americans. We have fought tyranny around the globe (across the flat earth for all you flat earthers out there). We have been through hell and back and made it, thrived, and helped the world, even after devastating circumstances of our own. A revolution, a war to keep our independence, wars to gain land, wars to end tyranny, wars to get to a bargaining table, wars for oil, wars against terrorism. We've endured internal strife with a civil war, for civil rights, gang wars, terrorism on our own soil, riots. We have endured and still survive. We can overcome anything. As long as we fight TOGETHER. The old cliché, united we stand, divided we fall, stands true. If we can re-unite, become one country again, we will overcome the darkness ahead of us. But WE MUST UNITE. As Sir William Wallace said to Robert Bruce before he was betrayed by him, “Unite us. Only you can rule Scotland. But you MUST UNITE US.”
The left has no intention of doing this. It is their everything that we stay divided. As long as we are fighting amongst ourselves, they still have control. We must come together. We must become that One Nation, Under God, Indivisible. We must! If we are to endure, if we are to survive what is coming (whatever that is), if we are to continue to be that one last beacon of freedom, we have to do it together. All of us.
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