“Would you like to play a game?”
This could be the most terrifying question if it's being asked by a puppet on a tricycle. Picture this: The head on that puppet is the current occupant of the White House, his second in command, the current Speaker of the House, or even the Senate Minority Leader. What would be your thoughts then?
That is exactly what is happening. Jigsaw Joe Biden & Co. are asking us, the American citizens, if we would like to play his sick little game of Destroy America First. It started with shutting down the Keystone XL Pipeline; gone are thousands of good paying, Union jobs and the jobs of those that serviced those workers (such as restaurants, grocery stores, gas stations, etc.). Next was undoing the rest of what Trump had accomplished to make this country what it once was: prosperous, strong, independent, secure.
In less than 18 months in office, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr, tanked the stock market, raised prices on almost everything, increased taxes, condoned an invasion of illegal aliens across the southern border, increased the political persecution of Trump, his associates, and his supporters, aided and abetted our enemies, and kept his drugged up, loser of a son from being prosecuted for his crimes against the country, all the while keeping law abiding, peaceful protesters incarcerated in jail without bail or access to attorneys.
To be fair, he has 'created' millions of jobs that were ended with the Coronavirus plannedemic farce. As for the stock market, well, it's been a hell of a couple of years with that oh-so-important organization looking like a roller-coaster track. All I know is that in the last year, my portfolio has fallen by over ten thousand dollars (a loss of more than 10 percent) and my crypto is basically non-existent. So, tell me again how QuidProChina-owned Joe is doing me such a great job!
Let' play his game of life and death of our rights and freedoms. Keep on keeping on, Uncle Joe! The American People are tired of the woke, anti-American, far-left radical, bull shit that you're pushing down our throats. We don't like our children being indoctrinated into the gay/trans world and we don't believe in Critical Race Theory. As far as BLM: the only times that black lives matter to Democrats is when it's time to vote!
As the radical left are virtue signaling against racism, xenophobia, homophobia, etc., no one but them, and their brainwashed, lazy, do-nothing followers, are the only ones that are screaming this shite. The same with climate change. As drunken Nazi Nancy stated at a press conference, “We own the science.” Yep! That's why the 'science' says exactly what you want it to. Ask REAL scientists and researchers that AREN'T government funded about all this stuff. Climate change has been happening to this planet since it was created. Coronavirus is a hoax. Racism, although there are racists in every culture, is only being practiced by the ones screaming racism (the far-left radicals). The American economy cannot handle the millions of illegals that continue to pour across the border unchecked. And foreign oil is not nearly as clean as American oil.
And the game gets underway. It actually started years ago; when politicians decided that running for office was the way to gain more power and wealth for themselves. Washington, Jefferson, Adams, and a few others actually did not want the job of President. They took it as part of their duty and for the good of the new nation. Now, politicians spend ten, fifteen, thirty, fifty times what they will earn in office just to get that office. Some even cheat to win. Votes are bought by making empty promises and offers to do favors. Politics is not a game for the weak of heart. It is cut-throat and dog eat dog. But, it is a game, none the less.
Imagine if you will, a Presidential candidate that campaigns almost entirely from his basement. This candidate didn't really have all that much support and his running mate had absolutely no support. His rallies consisted of a couple of dozen people spaced 6 feet apart. His promises of 'freebies' from the federal government are unsustainable and will cost the taxpayers trillions of dollars over several years. He has promised to kill jobs by ending our energy independence but replacing those jobs with imaginary ones in a different field, which the jobless will not be trained for. Over the course of the 'election season' (it has to be many days and weeks because of the impracticality of a lot of voters not being able to make it to the actual polls to vote on election day) millions of harvested ballots, mail-in ballots, third-party controlled dropped site ballots, and magically appearing in the middle of the night ballots all are for this candidate that did very little campaigning.
This candidate has been in politics his entire life. He has served for over 40 years in the federal government and his views on things like racism, immigration, segregation, etc. are well documented as being the exact opposite of what he is saying his views are now. His record on foreign affairs is dismal at best. To top it all off, his mental acuity is questionable. He has a hard time completing coherent sentences. His memory is almost gone. He balance is off.
This candidate wins an election against the incumbent that has raised wages, lowered taxes, given us energy independence and even energy exportation, has record employment for minorities and women, record low unemployment, enhanced the standard of living for all, especially blacks and minorities. Enacted fair trade deals with foreign nations. Retrieved POW/MIA/KIA American soldier's bodies. Stopped North Korea from nuclear arms testing. The incumbent is the ONLY American President to cross the North/South Korea border into North Korea and met with Kim Jung Un; Alone. The incumbent won more votes from minorities and women the second time than he did the first.
All of the pluses of the incumbent and this candidate wins more votes than Barack Hussein Obama, winning the election by ten million votes. The strangest part of this is that when the election is questioned it is called 'trying to overthrow an election.' If the 2020 election was so fair and honest why should it not be investigated? It should stand the test of review quite easily. Instead, the voting machines were off-limits, the questionable state's results were off-limits. Any investigation was off limits. Is this the way an honest election is done? And the game continues.
Every nation on Earth has borders. Every nation has immigration laws and punishments for breaking those laws from imprisonment to death. That is except for the United States. The present administration has opened our borders to an invasion of millions of unknown throngs of people of all ages. There is no repercussions for crossing our borders illegally. In actuality, these illegal migrants are given special treatment. They are given free health services, food, and shelter. They are transported anywhere in the country they choose. They are given driver's licenses and, in some states, given the right to vote in elections. No where on Earth is this done. No where but here. Who is the architect of this policy? Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. The candidate described above.
Instead of being an energy exporter, now we are back to begging our enemies for oil at huge cost. OPEC doesn't give us what we want, they sell us, at huge profits, what they want us to have. We are supplying Ukraine with weapons and ammo for their war against the Russian invasion to the point where, if we are attacked, we couldn't defend ourselves. Half the country has been declared domestic terrorists by the President of the United States simply because we believe in the Constitution, our rights and freedoms, and support the MAGA policies. Wasn't there a World War that happened because another megalomaniac decided the same thing?
The United States of America has been at the forefront of the fight against tyranny since its inception. We fought two World Wars, fought in a conflict and a police action, engaged in the downfall of a Middle Eastern tyrannical regime. We have fought against Communism, Socialism, radical Islamic terrorism, and any other form of tyranny against basic human rights. Now, we have become that banana republic that involves itself in political persecution, silencing the freedom of speech, and rule of law only for those that adhere to the Party's agenda. Presumption of innocence is only for Party members or Party endorsed organizations. Election results that are unquestionable as long as the Party wins. Making gun ownership so expensive that no one can afford it so that the people will become unarmed and doing everything it can to actually make arms ownership illegal. Absolutely no personal privacy is allowed even though the spying is done covertly and without consent (say something around your phone or computer about a product and see how long it takes for ads for said product to flood your social media and email). Illegal search and seizure is commonplace against the Party's opposition.
And the game continues, and continues, and continues.
Once the world is ashes, who are the elites going to lord over? Who, and what, are they going to control? Dystopian society was once nothing more than fiction books on the library shelf. Now it is everyday life. We have become 1980, The Hunger Games, The Darkest Minds, Fahrenheit 451, and Animal Farm all rolled into one little package. It hasn't happened overnight. It's taken the Party decades to achieve. It has only been in the last 18 to 20 months for it to advance exponentially. It is a game that the Party refuses to lose. And there is no depth to which the Party will sink that is off limits.
Red Dawn is happening now. The only thing is it isn't the Russians or Koreans that are perpetrating the takeover. It is the far-left radicals. Abraham Lincoln said that America would never fall to a foreign power but only by destroying itself from within. That is what has been happening for quite a long time. Strange how the Founders and great statesmen of our nation predicted just what would/could happen and how it would. Too bad that insight and knowledge isn't prevalent today. We wouldn't be where we are.
We are at the brink of the point of no return. We may well be past it. Only time will time. I do know this: I will not go peacefully into the night. I will fight for freedom in any way that is necessary. Patrick Henry said it best: “Give me liberty or give me death.”
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