It is extremely dark times in which we live. Oh, yes! The skies are blue, the sun shines, the stars twinkle, and the moon casts its eerie glow over the Earth as has been since the beginning of time. What I am talking about is much more sinister, more evil, more – human.
The Bible says that there will be wars and rumors of wars. Things have not changed since those days of thousands of years ago. Although it is no longer the Romans against the Egyptians, the Gentiles against the Jews, and such. It has now become the elites against the non-elites, the haves against the have-nots, the rich against the poor, and the corporations against the everyday man. Yes, there are physical wars such as is happening in Ukraine; the tribal wars of the Middle East, and the cultural wars in China, but, what I am talking about are the invisible wars where it is one ideology against another.
Here, in the United States, it is the 'woke' crowd against the 'normal' people. It has been called the Cancel Culture. Our history is being canceled out and replaced with a history that doesn't quite coincide with true facts. No one alive today was a slave in the 1800s and no one owns any slaves. What the 'woke' crowd would like people to think is that America is built on black slavery. Do they talk about the Irish slaves? The Chinese slaves? Even the white, Americans that were held in servitude for a debt owed? No, they do not. It has become a war of race; black against white. Facts do not matter to these people. Only emotions that will get them what they want.
Classic novels are being banned because of racial terminology. The times when such works were written was how people talked. All that matters to these cultural insurgents is how we speak in the present. We can no longer use certain terms because someone may become offended. I, myself, have been subjected to that and the offended individual didn't care that he was invading my personal space to get his point across. Just to let you know, I was offended that you stood there with your crotch about three inches from my face like you wanted me to do something indecent with you.
You see, it is a one sided war. Only if you are one of the 'woke' can you be offended and have anything done about it. If you are white, you can't get reparations or press charges of hate crimes if a black person calls you cracker, honkey, ghost, or some other such barb. Only if you are black can you claim racism; or are virtue signaling as a white person on the side of the black or LGBTQIA+ community, It is impossible for a white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant male not to be racist. That is what is being taught to our young people from Kindergarten on through college.
How about sexuality? The 'woke' crowd are now teaching our K-college children that transgenderism, being gay, and transvestism is a natural, acceptable way of life and if you don't agree with it, embrace it, and become it, you are homophobic. The government run schools are teaching our children to hate morals, values, normalcy and to go against what they are being taught at home by their parents. In some school systems it is impossible for a parent to find out what is being taught to their children. After all, it takes the government to know what is best for the people.
A once proud nation that won its freedom from tyranny is now becoming what was fought against. High taxes without representation; we are no longer actually represented in Congress as they represent themselves and the people/organizations that donate to their campaigns. In some cases, our representatives actually represent foreign nations. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's wife is the daughter of the man that owns the biggest shipping company in China. Eric Swalwell had a years long affair with a Chinese spy. Diane Feinstein employed a Chinese spy. Even the President of the United States is compromised through his son, Hunter, who made millions of dollars from China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, etc. through his 'business' dealings with these nations.
While the far-left radicals in Congress do everything they can to silence the conservative voice, the mainstream media spread their propaganda better than the Russian and North Korean state owned media. While terrorist organizations such as Antifa and BLM burn, riot, loot, assault, and even murder throughout our major cities unmolested, there are around 600 conservatives still held in a Washington, DC jail, without bail or being charged, simply because they went to a Trump rally on January 6, 2020 then went to the Capitol Complex to protest the election results.
The Congress has called this protest an armed insurrection. The funny thing about that is there were no arms found on any protester. I believe a person or group needs to have weapons to engage in an armed insurrection. The FBI has searched the nation for anyone that was at the Capitol that day while not one person that burned or looted or rioted has been arrested. The left protects its own while it commits political persecution of anyone that doesn't agree with them. That, my friends, is what a Third World country, a banana republic, would do, not the United States of America.
Our elected (also read as installed) politicians are guilty of treason, high crimes and misdemeanors. They are no better than the people they claim to be against. Mao, Hitler, Mussolini, Chavez, Xi, Kim, Maduro, Putin, and a host of other dictators are their mentors. The Democrat Party is going by the Rules for Radicals by Al Salinski and The Communist Manifesto by Marx. The Constitution is only used when it benefits the cause against conservatism; otherwise it is nothing but a hindrance to their ideology.
I use the title 'Democrat Party' a lot. Why? Because it is the major player against American values, morals, rights and freedoms. Let me be clear about this: It is not just Democrats that are working against the American people. There are a lot of Republicans that are right in there with them. People like Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell, and a host of others that are conservative when it comes around election time then turn traitor to the conservative ideology once put back in office. You also have the Republicans that are fence-riders that vote whichever way makes them look the best regardless of the agenda.
These are extremely dark times. Governments around the world are working against their own people. Russia just invaded Ukraine to take them over like it was still the 17th century. Russia, China, and Iraq are working together as an axis against the Unites States and Israel. NATO has become powerless and the UN is just waiting for WWIII so it can turn its troops loose on the world. Nuclear war has been threatened. Iraq is being allowed to create nuclear missiles. North Korea has tested more missiles since Biden took office than ever before. China has its eyes on Taiwan. Russia won't stop at Ukraine; Putin wants to reestablish the Soviet Union.
Our own government refuses to secure our southern border, open up our oil exploration and drilling, take care of our homeless and our vets, or take a stand against rampant crime in our cities. They are more interested in making sure that our schools, police departments, and our military are woke, tolerant, and diversified with blacks, gays, transgenders, and women (whether those women are actual biological or pretend by males). It is more important to our elected officials to take care of illegals than citizens, foreign borders than our own, and making sure the world gets a piece of America one way or another. America Last, the World First is the motto of the present administration.
Biden said it after he was installed: “America First policy is done and over. We are a global nation.“ He should have been impeached right there but the Democrats made sure they took complete control of government. Nothing will ever get them to eat their own. Traitors, all of them. From the Oval Office down.
If a person takes the time to read some of the bills being passed by our so-called representatives, it would shock you. Read the Covid Relief Bill. Want to know a few of the things that three trillion dollar bill paid for? One thing is gender studies in Pakistan; another is money for the House of Representatives; money for the Kennedy Center for the arts; only about 20% of the Covid Relief Bill actually went towards helping the American people; the rest went for pet projects, extra money for already taxpayer funded things; foreign countries; and other wasteful spending. Nowhere in the Constitution does Congress have the power or authority to spend taxpayer funds for anything other than American issues.
Dark times, worse than Voldemort making a comeback in the Harry Potter series. The worst part of it is that we, as conservatives, are allowing it to happen. We, the People, the rightful masters of government, have allowed the Federal Government to become OUR masters. We have allowed the Federal Government to become so huge, so powerful, that they are now in control of OUR lives instead of us being in control of them. When did this start, you ask? The first President to ignore the Constitution was Abraham Lincoln when he wouldn't let the Southern States succeed from the Union. The Constitution gives the STATES the power, not the Federal Government. Did he do the right thing? I believe he did. That is where it started. The government overreach has progressed exponentially since and they aren't even hiding it anymore since the Great Pretender (Barack Hussein Obama) took crontrol.
During the Trump Administration, it was painfully clear that the Democrat Party was in complete control of Congress even though they were in the minority. Once they had the majority, it was all over. The lies, the unconstitutional and illegal investigations, the attempted coup, all of it for the world to see and laugh at. Not one Democrat has been indicted, tried, or even jailed for their crimes against the people of the nation and the Trump Administration. With the overwhelming evidence against most of them, Hillary Clinton not the least, one would think that someone would be tried for treason, high crimes, and/or misdemeanors.
The thousands of Antifa and BLM 'protesters' that committed arson, looting, assault, even murder have gone without any repercussions yet, there are still 600 patriots being held, without bail or being charged with any crime, in Washington, DC jails just for being at a Trump rally and peacefully protesting as is their Constitutional right. Political persecution is something that dictators and autocrats indulge in, not freedom loving elected officials.
The dark times are far from over, my friends. Far from over. With WWIII on the horizon, with no thanks to Joseph Biden & comrades, times will become much darker before the light of Camelot shines again. We are at a crossroads; fence-riders will be trampled into the mire of indifference and defeat. War is coming. Physical, nasty, destructive war. Thanks to Biden & Co. it will be a nuclear war involving Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea against NATO with the United States the main objective. The axis has already formed against us. Russia, China, and Iran are compatriots against the West. NATO has proven to be feckless as has the UN Security Council.
The Biden Administration was installed for just this reason. An administration cannot take a country as far down as fast as this one has gone without it being on purpose. This is what the elites and the Deep State want: total annihilation of the United States, capitalism, and the rights and freedoms of the citizens of the free world. All you have to do is open your eyes and see. Remember that all conspiracy theories start with a nucleus of truth and 90% of what I have predicted has come to pass.
FARO: Free America Resistance Organization. Remember RED DAWN? That time is now!