Wednesday, February 17, 2021

America is Racist

From systemic racism to white supremacy, the far-left leaves no stone unturned to find something wrong with America. Since Donald Trump was elected President in 2016 it has been nothing less than a circus coming from the Democrat Party. The hatred spewed forth from the mouths of our elected officials is nothing if not proof of the anti-Americanism of the left.

Representatives Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Maxine Waters, and Nancy Pelosi to name just a few, have stated that America is the worst country in the world. According to the House of Representatives Democrat members, and some Republicans, America is founded on racism, is xenophobic, full of white supremacists, inequality reigns supreme between the rich capitalists and the poor workingman, and there is not one iota of fairness toward anyone that isn’t straight, white, Christian, and conservative.

 Everything must be seen through critical racism thinking and LGBTQ+ needs to be taught to our kindergarten aged children through college. Applying for a student loan means the taxpayer is going to pay the loan back. Illegal aliens are more important than American citizens and healthcare is a fundamental right for the world and the American taxpayer is responsible for it. History was not recorded in the right light and must be rewritten to say that America was founded on slavery, the Founders were white supremacists, Islam built the country, Israel and the Jews are the biggest enemies of the world, and we, as a nation, are to blame for the world’s problems.

During the Trump Administration, America gained so much. Record high employment, almost seven million more jobs than people to fill them; record low unemployment among minorities and women in history; record high stock market; securing the southern border with a wall thus curbing drug trafficking, human trafficking, and illegal border crossings; criminal justice reform freed thousands of blacks that were unjustly incarcerated; we did not get into any more wars and troops were being brought home; North Korea returned KIA/MIA warriors remains from the Korean Conflict; North Korea stopped nuclear missile testing; we were energy  independent for the first time in 75 years; three peace treaties in the Middle East; and, Trump’s major plan was America First!

On January 20, 2021, now President Joe Biden signed an Executive Order shutting down the Keystone XL Pipeline thus killing eleven thousand jobs with the stroke of a pen. In the four weeks since he was inaugurated as President of the United States, Mr. Biden has opened our borders to millions of illegal migrants, shut down new drilling and mining for fossil fuels, re-entered the United States into the Paris Climate Accord and the Iran Nuclear Deal. He has instituted more regulations for COVID-19 thus keeping the economy in check. He has given China access to our power grid and Russia, China, and Iraq our oil business. He has made phone calls to our enemies but ignored Benjamin Netanyahtu, Prime Minister of Israel, our staunch ally in the Middle East. Finally, in one of his first speeches as President, he stated clearly and firmly that the America First policies of Donald Trump were over.

With the devastation of the world’s economies due to the COVID pandemic, the American economy had started to gain. No more. With the regulations, closings, mandates, etc. of the new Harris/Biden administration, the economy is starting to tank again. Millions of Americans are out of work. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses are closed, some permanently. Millions of Americans are homeless and hungry. With all that, all the Americans that are suffering due to a pandemic that was set upon the world by China, President Joe Biden is opening our borders to hundreds of thousands of illegals, none of which are vaccinated against COVID and they won’t be checked. The Harris/Biden administration is borrowing trillions of dollars from China for Democrat pet projects, foreign countries, and a very small pittance to the American people.

While Democrat Congressmen/women call for, condone and encourage rioting, looting, arson, assault, and anti-police actions in major cities across the nation, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi files an article of impeachment against the outgoing President, Donald Trump, for inciting insurrection. With the breaching of the Capitol Building during the confirmation of the electoral vote, a couple of hundred people entered the Capitol Building with the intent to stop the process after a rally President Trump had. At least that is what the media is wanting us to believe. What has come to light is that the incursion was pre-planned days in advance and that several of the people were registered Democrats and Biden supporters.

How, or why, did Ms. Pelosi file this article? It is her belief, so she says, that Trump incited an insurrection by calling for his rally participants to PEACEFULLY AND PATRIOTICALLY go to the Capitol and protest. The impeachment in the House lasted two hours, there was no investigation, no witnesses, no input from the Trump people, and very little debate. In other words: absolutely no due process. It was after the article was filed that information came out that the incursion was pre-planned, it started before Trump finished speaking, and it would have taken up to an hour and a half after the rally before anyone there could have gotten to the Capitol.

Over the last year, the left has been at war with conservatives. Social media has permanently banned Donald Trump. Any speech that comes close to questioning the 2020 election results is shut down. Democrat congressmen/women have called for the removal of any representative that called for an investigation into the 2020 election fraud. CNN has called for the removal of FoxNews from airing. Any speech that doesn’t exactly conform to the left’s way of thinking is censored. Critical racial thinking, LGBTQ+ ideology, and globalism is the only speech allowed without question.

The Democrats control the White House, the House of Representatives, and, with Kamala Harris as the tie breaker, the Senate. They are making no false claims of Americanism. The whole Democrat ideology is being forced down the throat of every American through Executive Action. President Biden is signing EO after EO, not using the Constitutionally legal way to legislate. He must undo everything Trump did as quickly as possible.

Due process is gone unless it is a liberal that is being questioned. Fraud and corruption are allowed as long as it benefits the left. Conservative speech is censored. Protest is outlawed for conservatives, but rioting is allowed for liberals. Being white is being a racist and white supremacist. Questioning the right over anything is fine but to question a liberal over blatant and open criminality is not allowed. All a person needs to do is go along with the left and everything will be fine.

With the Biden’s known connection with the Communist Chinese government and the Ukrainian government; Mitch McConnell’s connection with the Communist Chinese government; Eric Swalwell’s love affair with a Chinese spy; and who knows how many other government employees or elected officials have foreign ties, when does treason come into the equation? These people are compromised and, as in the case of Eric Swalwell, have access to national secrets. Congress, and the Deep State are a threat to our National Security! For god’s sake we need to get rid of these people.

America is not a racist nation. America is not consumed with white supremacy. America is not the world’s sugar daddy. America, like every other country in the world, has had its problems, and still does. That does not make America bad. The Founders instituted a unique form a government of, by, and for the people. Why? To form a more perfect Union. We are not perfect, but we are constantly working on becoming more perfect. America is the best country in the world. We are the freest nation. We have a way to go to overcome the problems we have. The biggest problem we have is a political party that hates America and what she stands for. The Democrat Party is America’s most dangerous enemy; the enemy within. 

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