The ‘New Normal;’ Government control of businesses, whether they are open or closed; Governors forcing people to wear ineffectual surgical masks and social distancing; Governors and mayors allowing rioting, looting, arson, and assault by terrorist organizations while demanding their law enforcement to stand down and not allowing federal agents to assist in any way; The coin shortage and businesses not accepting cash payments for goods or services; a vaccination that is much more expensive than an FDA approved drug that has been tested for over 20 years; Stimulus checks that make it more profitable to stay at home than to go to work; Congress and government employees still getting paid (huge) salaries while most Americans are going broke getting next to nothing; Democrat’s pet projects getting millions of dollars through legislation that is supposed to be helping everyday Americans; Illegal aliens receiving money meant for citizens; Democrat and liberal-leaning government officials given a free pass on incontrovertible crimes; obvious treason and attempted overthrow of a duly elected President; mainstream media’s obvious bias and the continual attack against any conservative voice and especially against the duly elected President; the silencing of conservative voices on social media and in the mainstream media; The list goes on and on and on how we, the People, are being controlled, subjugated, and being forced into a Marxist, Socialist/Communist, fascist society.
Anonymous, the 3Percenters, the Militiamen, the Minutemen, the NRA, etc.; ALL the so-called Constitution upholding, patriotic, rights protecting organizations are silent. Where are they? Why are they silent on all that is happening in the country? Are they, dare I say it, afraid? If so, what are they afraid of? If being called a racist is the equivalent of being called a witch in the Middle Ages, then so be it. I remember a time when being called a COMMUNIST was about the worst thing that a person could be called. Now, it’s a badge of honor to be labeled a Communist, a Marxist, a Socialist. In the last bastion of freedom, the land of the free and the home of brave; a country that has fought against tyranny and oppression for 244 years. Since the Colonists decided that they had had enough of tyranny, taxation, and oppression from a government across the Atlantic, we, as a nation, have fought two world wars, two wars of Independence (the War of 1812 was actually fought, once again, for our right to be a free nation. Look it up if you can find a history book that hasn’t been rewritten to fit the liberal agenda), a civil war (yes, it started as a war for State’s rights but was turned into a war against slavery – in other words – oppression), a police action and a conflict (Korea and Viet Nam), and have been engaged in the Middle East for well over 20 years against oppression (and, of course, oil, for those that want to be technical and liberal-minded). What happened?
When did Americans become so – anti-American? Why did we? Was it because we have been blinded by the constant liberal assault on our institutions (such as the liberal takeover of our primary and secondary school systems)? Maybe it is because we have allowed our sense of fairness and well-being for all to overshadow our sense of freedom and self-reliance. “The good of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” That is a great slogan for the liberals. After all, ‘from each according to his ability to each according to his needs.’ That works if it is voluntary. If forced, it becomes tyranny. When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.
The First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” What, exactly, does this say? It seems clear cut to me. The citizens of this great nation have the right to worship as they please, or not. We have the right to speak our minds, vocally and in the press. We have the right to assemble for any reason as long as it is peaceful. Lastly, we have the right to go to the government and complain that we do not like the way they are running things.
There is some clear wordage here: NO LAW respecting an establishment of religion, or PROHIBITING the free exercise…; abridging the freedom of SPEECH; PEACEABLY assemble. What Congress and the Supreme Court have done to this Amendment is bastardize it. Now, freedom of SPEECH includes actions (such as burning the Flag); it’s against the law to have the Ten Commandments anywhere near a government-owned building or in the schools, but it’s alright to teach Islam; rioting, looting, arson, other destruction of property (both private and public), even assault on another person, is considered peaceful protesting. What a sad situation this country has come to because of the far-left liberal ideology; and it is because of the far-left.
How do these policies get into law? Simple. The Democrats put policy into legislation that is needed or the appearance of being needed because that policy would never get passed on its own. If the President, or conservative members of Congress puts through legislation that the liberals don’t like, they take it to the Supreme Court, or a Circuit Court that is liberal, and put it down and vice-versa if it is a policy that they want and the President or conservative Congress is against it. This makes the Judicial Branch legislators, not jurists. Another way this has happened is in what people call the Deep State.
The Deep State are those government employees that are not elected but hired into positions of making regulations that Congress does not want to be bothered with. Yes, Congress has made the choice of letting agencies and departments make rules that are the same as laws but are not voted on. These employees make rules that they feel are needed according to their beliefs and ideology whether those rules are Constitutional or not. A lot of these people are far-left leaning. A lot of these regulations are unconstitutional and infringe on our Constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms.
What is happening right now, today, in cities like Minneapolis, Seattle, Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, etc., is criminal. Obviously. Yet, the Democrat governors and mayors of these states and cities sit back and allow the destruction. They are doing all they can to defund law enforcement and instructing the law to ‘stand-down’ and allow what is happening. The sad thing is that, once the destruction is done, the looting is over, the assaults are through, etc., these same Democrats are demanding that the Federal Government step in and pay for what they allowed and blame President Trump for it all. No, where in the Constitution does it state that the President is responsible for what happens in any state. There are specific, enumerated powers that the federal government has, and the rest is up to the individual states. The federal government is not responsible to fix any state’s problems. That is up to the governors and mayors of those states.
If we, the people, don’t open our eyes and start standing up to these Congressmen, governors, mayors, etc., and fight for what the Founders fought for, we are doomed as a free nation. The last bastion of freedom will no longer exist and the world will be cloaked in darkness, tyranny, and oppression for the foreseeable future. The world looks to us, the American people, the United States of America, for hope and freedom. If the United States was even a fraction of evil that the Democrat, far-left, socialists say it is, why do people from around the globe come here, both legally and illegally? Why is there such a push to get to the U.S. instead of the utopian, socialist/communist countries such as Cuba, Venezuela, China, North Korea, Russia, etc.? I’ll tell you why – because this country, the United States of America, is still the best, the greatest, the freest country in the world. Yes, there are other capitalist countries that have basic human rights but none come close to ours. We are the most prosperous country in the world because of our capitalist economy, our freedom to do as we please with our lives, the ability to go out and take risks without government interference.
We are on the event horizon. Will we fall into the black hole of socialism, tyranny, oppression and government control of every aspect of our lives or will we fight back and regain what the Founders fought for 244 years ago? Are we going to allow people like Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and a host of other far-left radical liberals to control our very souls; or will we fight back and keep people like Donald J Trump, Mike Pence, Jim Jordan, Dan Crenshaw, Andrew Wilkow, Mark Levin, Kevin Sorbo, etc., keep watch on our rights and freedoms to make sure they don’t disappear? There are far more liberals out there that need to be leased and/or chained up than there are conservatives that need to be freed.
Major league sports, Hollywood, international business, the internet, social media, mainstream media, federal, state, and local governments are filled to overflowing with enemies of freedom. It is an uphill battle to be sure. A lot of good, clean, patriotic Americans have been brainwashed by the far-left. I call out Anonymous, the 3Percenters, Militiamen, Minutemen, the NRA, and every freedom-loving American out there to start fighting back. We will not go quietly into the night if we all stand together and fight this war that the left has thrust upon us. We, the conservative voice, did not start this war. We are not the ones rioting, looting, assaulting, destroying. We are taking care of our families, working our jobs, respecting the rule of law, upholding our responsibilities. We have not the time for such foolishness as rioting. I will venture that once the left has woken the gentle giant, they will rue the day they decided to fight against us. Even the Japanese after Pearl Harbor knew better than to attack Americans on the mainland.
We will prove victorious if we stand united against this assault on our freedoms. But we must not tarry. To wait will be to lose. The Colonists, a rag-tag army of farmers, fought against the mightiest army in the world and won. We will win again.