Sunday, March 7, 2021

Is Joe Biden Really Running the Country


Since the inauguration on 6 January, 2021, Joe Biden has signed approximately 48 Executive Orders from COVID-19 relief and policy to shutting down the Keystone XL Pipeline and construction on the border wall between the United States and Mexico. He has effectively done away with everything that President Donald Trump had achieved; and it all happened within 30 days.

He did not just stop construction of the border wall; he opened the border between Mexico and the United States. Now, within 45 days of the inauguration, the caravans of illegals have started to arrive, more are coming, and a lot of them are wearing BIDEN T-shirts. Yep! They love them the present ruler of the United States. What’s more, on average, there are 700 to 1,000 unaccompanied minors, mostly teen-aged boys, that are illegally crossing the border on a daily basis. DAILY! Most of these migrants are not being tested for the China virus by the US government. IF they are tested, it is the cities and towns where these illegals are crossing. As of 4 March 2021, there are 108 confirmed cases of the China virus that crossed the border and are now roaming around the country without being treated. Catch and release is the policy on the southern border.

Didn’t Joe say that he wanted to kill the virus during the campaign? You know, from his basement bunker via video feed. Didn’t Joe say that he wanted to protect the American people? I believe that I heard him mumble and stammer something to that effect. Now, it’s all about helping out the world, especially illegal migrants, keeping the mask mandates and social distancing, forcing the vaccinations, keeping businesses closed, killing jobs, raising taxes, and giving billions of dollars to foreign nations and Democrat pet projects. How is giving Pakistan $25 million for transgender studies or $120 million to the closed Kennedy Center for the Arts helping Americans deal with the China virus? How about two payments of over $10 billion to the Teacher’s Union going to help when they refuse to go back to work?

Thanks to Donald Trump and his WarpSpeed project, there are three vaccines available and two of which that are being administered nationwide. What does the present President, Vice President, and ‘Dr.’ Anthony Fauci say? It is all because of Joe Biden and his administration that any vaccines are being given at all. Trump didn’t get the drugs made and distributed in time, it was total chaos, and, thanks to the Biden Team it’s all been straightened out. Except that they lost about 6 million doses somewhere; states are not getting their doses; it’s all Trump’s fault.

Have you notice that Joe hasn’t given a State of the Union address yet; that he hasn’t really addressed the nation at all? He did have a televised press conference where he said that he’d take questions then the feed was cut off. He hasn’t answered any questions about anything, really. His Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, hasn’t answered any important questions; answering with a well-rehearsed, “I’ll circle back to that.” VP Kamala Harris hasn’t really been heard from at all, about anything. Although, it has been rumored that she is calling world leaders while Joe plays on the PS4 with his grandkids.

It seems as though the only really vocal government officials from the administration is Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. That’s unfair. There has been a lot of talk from the Republicans about how the Democrats are hard-balling far-left policy through the House and Senate since they have that very slim majority. And those policies are extremely far left. If left unchecked, the Democrats will turn our Constitutional Republic into an extreme Socialist State within months with absolutely no way to fight them.

It cannot be done by one person, or even a small group. But, it does START with that one person or group. Today, there are many different such groups around the country. Anonymous, QAnon, The Proud Boys, The III%, BLM, Antifa, the Black Panthers, just to name a few. These groups ALL have their own agendas from tearing the country apart, to anarchy, to restoring the country to what it should be. Which groups are actually getting anything done? The far-left, anti-American, anti-Constitutional, socialist commies are the ONLY ones that are actually making any changes. Just look around at the cancel culture, the wokeness, the political correctness, the anti-whiteness… Why are these groups getting all the attention and making the biggest changes?

The ones wanting to destroy our Constitutional Republic are getting their way because they are the most vocal, the most violent, the most feared. I remember a time when the worst thing anyone could be called was a ‘commie.’ Yep! Imagine that! To be called a commie was worse than anything else in the world. Why? Because the FREE nations of the world had fought for decades to stop communism. Two world wars, a police action, and a conflict were all fought in the name of keeping freedom and democracy alive.

Now, the worst thing you can be called is a, dare I say it, racist? If I can borrow a phrase from the illegitimate leader of the nation, “Come on, man!” I was raised to let things like this not bother me. Now, being offended overrides the right to free speech. Gods forbid that some little snowflake, that hasn’t got a clue as to what Democracy, the Constitution, Americanism, or even socialism is, should get offended by words. I believe that my right to free speech trumps your being offended. The bad part is that the far-left government officials that were elected go along with this bull. Including our beloved illegitimate leader, Joseph Biden.

But, is Joe really running the country? He had a press conference where he said he’d take questions but the feed was cut off. He hasn’t given a State of the Union Address to Congress. He really hasn’t addressed the nation on anything. He stammers and forgets what he’s talking about when he doesn’t have a teleprompter. All he’s doing is signing EOs, bills passed by the Democrat run Congress (narrowly, with the help of VP Harris for the Senate), and staying out of sight. He can’t be running the country. If he is, he’s the first absentee President ever in our short history. In ancient times, up until the invention of motor cars and airplanes anyway, Kings would go off to war for months at a time, they would travel across their realm for weeks or months, leaving the center of power under the care of their wives, trusted allies, parliaments, etc. but they always had control somehow. Joe Biden doesn’t seem to have any control, even of his own faculties.

So, who is running the country? Is it the illegitimate Vice President, Kamala Harris? Is it the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi? Is it his top aides? Is it the Deep State? Just who is running this shitshow in Washington, DC? I’d like to know so that I know who to blame for destruction of a once great nation. Whoever it is, in less than two months they have turned American First into America Last.

So, I say, again: take up your Constitution, practice civil disobedience, primary out the incumbent officials that won’t stand up for America and American morals and values, and if that doesn’t work, well there was a revolution against such tyranny in 1776 and again in 1812.

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